Sail E0 Webinar
A shopkeeper sold two bats which have a cost price of ₹6000 each. He makes a profit of 10% on one bat but a loss of 5% on the other bat. Find the overall profit or loss in the entire transaction.
A .  Loss of ₹300
B .  Profit of ₹300
C .  Profit of ₹600
D .  Loss of ₹600
Answer: Option B
Profit on one of the bats = 10% of ₹ 6000
= 10100×6000= ₹600
Hence, the Selling price
= Cost price + Profit
= ₹ (6000 + 600) = ₹ 6600
Loss on the other bat
= 5% of ₹ 6000
= 5100×6000
= ₹ 300
Selling price = Cost price - Loss
= ₹ (6000 - 300)
= ₹ 5700
Total cost price (CP) = ₹ 12000
Total selling price (SP) =6600+5700 = ₹ 12,300
Hence, as SP > CP, he has made a profit of ₹ (12,30012,000)=₹ 300.

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