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Shalini deposited 4,00,000 in a bank where she was promised an interest of 10%. She deposited it for a period of two years. Find the difference in the amount if the interest is calculated in a compounded manner to the amount interested in a simple manner.
A .  ₹4000
B .  ₹2000
C .  ₹1000
D .  ₹500
Answer: Option A
When a principal is promised with an interest to be compounded annually, the amount after one year becomes the principal for the next year. So, 10100×400000=40,000
40,000 added to 4,00000 would be the new principal for the next year i.e. 4,40,000. The interest for the second year is calculated on the new principal amount: 10100×440000×1=44,000
So, the final amount after 2 years(compounded annually with 10% interest) =
440000 + 44000 = 4,84,000.
If the principal would have been deposited for an annual simple interest for 10% for a period of two years would be 10100×400000×2=80,000
Therefore amount =
4,00000 + 80,000 = 4,80,000.
So, compound interest is 4,000 more than a simple interest for a period of two years.

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