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A metal cube of edge 9 cm is melted and formed into three smaller cubes. If the edges of 2 smaller cubes are 1 cm and 6 cm, find the edge of the third smaller cube.

A .  6 cm
B .  8 cm
C .  10 cm
D .  12 cm
Answer: Option B
Let us consider the given metal cube of edge 9 cm.
The volume of this cube will be given by the formula:
V1 = (Edge of cube)³= (9)³= 729 cubic cm
This cube is melted and formed into three smaller cubes. Let the edge of the third smaller cube be x cm. Therefore, the volume of each of the smaller cubes will be given by:
V2 = (Edge of first smaller cube)³= (1)³= 1 cubic cm
V3 = (Edge of second smaller cube)³= (6)³= 216 cubic cm
V4 = (Edge of third smaller cube)³= (x)³= x³ cubic cm
According to the law of conservation of mass, the volume of the smaller cubes must add up to the volume of the original cube. Hence, we have:
V2 + V3 + V4 = V1
1 + 216 + x³ = 729
x³ = 512
Taking the cube root on both sides, we get:
x = 8
Hence, the edge of the third smaller cube is 8 cm.
Therefore, the correct option is (B) 8 cm.
  • The original metal cube has an edge of 9 cm, and its volume is 729 cubic cm.
  • It is melted and formed into three smaller cubes, with edges of 1 cm, 6 cm, and x cm.
  • According to the law of conservation of mass, the volumes of the smaller cubes must add up to the volume of the original cube.
  • Solving the equation 1 + 216 + x³ = 729, we get x = 8.
  • Therefore, the edge of the third smaller cube is 8 cm, and the correct option is (B) 8 cm.

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Since larger cube is melted to form smaller cubes
Therefore, Vol of larger cube=Vol. of cube1+ Vol. of cube2+ Vol. of cube3
=> 9^3 = 1^3 + 6^3 + X^3
=> X^3 = 9^3-(1^3+6^3)
=> X^3 = 512
=> X = 8 cm
Cheers !!
Edge of metal cube = 9 cm
Volume = a×a×a cubic units
= 9×9×9 cubic units
=729 cubic units
Volume of first cube=1×1×1 cubic units = 1cubic units
Volume of second cube =6×6×6cubic units=216 cubic units
Total volume of 2 cubes=(1+216)
Cubic units=217 cubic units
Volume of third cube = (729-217)cubic units=512cubic units
Edge of smaller third cube
=throot 512=8cm

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