Sail E0 Webinar
"You are kicking a boy as good as him out of the house for a tattoo –that says ‘Blessed,’ no less?”The above sentence from the story has a grammatical error. Which of the following correctly identifies this error?
A .  ‘good’ should be ‘well’
B .  ‘him’ should be ‘he’
C .  'Blessed' should be "Blessed"
D .  ‘less’ should be ‘lest’
Answer: Option B
The phrase who is as good as him is a subordinate clause. A subordinateclause requires the pronoun “he”, not “him”. The implied meaning of the phrase is “as good as he is”. “As good as him is” is grammatically incorrect.
Therefore (B) is correct.
Good is an adjective. It modifies nouns. Well is an adverb. It modifies verbs. Since him is a pronoun, it should be modified by an adjective, not an adverb. Therefore (A) is incorrect. Single quotation marks are appropriate for both a quote within a quote and a word that is not being used for its meaning. Since someone is being quoted and quoting the word tattooed on Justin, single quotes are appropriate. The emphasis is on the word Blessed,which is part of the quote. Therefore (C) is incorrect. The word lest means so that something will not happen. For example, We should get out of the rainlest we catch cold. This meaning does not make sense in the sentence. Therefore (D) is incorrect.

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