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Total Questions : 147 | Page 8 of 15 pages
Question 71. An FT-IR instrument record a signal in the
  1.    time domain
  2.    frequency domain
  3.    both (a) and (b)
  4.    none of these
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Answer: Option A. -> time domain
Answer: (a).time domain
Question 72. The sequence of amino acids in proteins can be determined by means of
  1.    identification of the -NH₂ terminal amino acids
  2.    identification of the -COOH terminal amino acids
  3.    partial cleavage of the original polypeptide into smaller polypeptides
  4.    all of the above
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Answer: Option D. -> all of the above
Answer: (d).all of the above
Question 73. Which of the following is the basis of first dimension of separation for two-dimensional electrophoresis?
  1.    Molecular mass
  2.    Solubility
  3.    Isoelectric point
  4.    Folding
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Answer: Option C. -> Isoelectric point
Answer: (c).Isoelectric point
Question 74. What is meant by rotating frame of reference?
  1.    That the sample is spun rapidly in the applied field
  2.    If the laboratory itself is imagined to be rotated at the Larmor frequency, viewing that individual magnetic moment vectors are fixed in space
  3.    That the detector rotates around the sample
  4.    None of the above
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Answer: Option B. -> If the laboratory itself is imagined to be rotated at the Larmor frequency, viewing that individual magnetic moment vectors are fixed in space
Answer: (b).If the laboratory itself is imagined to be rotated at the Larmor frequency, viewing that individual magnetic moment vectors are fixed in space
Question 75. When radiation energy is absorbed by a spin 1/2 nucleus in a magnetic field, what happens?
  1.    The processional frequency of the nucleus increases
  2.    The nucleus spins faster
  3.    The angle of precession flips so that the magnetic moment of the nucleus opposes the applied field
  4.    none of the above
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Answer: Option C. -> The angle of precession flips so that the magnetic moment of the nucleus opposes the applied field
Answer: (c).The angle of precession flips so that the magnetic moment of the nucleus opposes the applied field
Question 76. Which of the following detectors give mass flow-dependent signals?
  1.    Electron capture detector
  2.    Field ionisation detector
  3.    Thermal conductivity detector
  4.    All of the above
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Answer: Option B. -> Field ionisation detector
Answer: (b).Field ionisation detector
Question 77. Split injection is carried out by
  1.    splitting the sample into smaller portions to inject sequentially
  2.    splitting the sample into smaller portions to inject at the same time through parallel ports
  3.    splitting off some of the sample so that it does not enter the column
  4.    none of the above
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Answer: Option C. -> splitting off some of the sample so that it does not enter the column
Answer: (c).splitting off some of the sample so that it does not enter the column
Question 78. Headspace analysis is carried out in order to
  1.    analyse volatile compounds from solid or liquid samples
  2.    determine the psychological state of the tutor
  3.    analyse the column contents ahead of the sample
  4.    determine non-volatiles
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Answer: Option A. -> analyse volatile compounds from solid or liquid samples
Answer: (a).analyse volatile compounds from solid or liquid samples
Question 79. What does the retention factor, k', describe?
  1.    The distribution of an analyte between the stationary and the mobile phase
  2.    The migration rate of an analyte through a column
  3.    The velocity of the mobile phase
  4.    All of these
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Answer: Option B. -> The migration rate of an analyte through a column
Answer: (b).The migration rate of an analyte through a column
Question 80. In the past, IR spectra had to be aquired one wavelength at a time, which took a long time. Today quick spectra is due to the
  1.    the Fourier Transfer Algorithm allows us to scan all frequencies at once
  2.    light is faster today that it used to be
  3.    absence of broad spectrum of wavelenth
  4.    none of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> the Fourier Transfer Algorithm allows us to scan all frequencies at once
Answer: (a).the Fourier Transfer Algorithm allows us to scan all frequencies at once

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