Sail E0 Webinar

10th Grade > Mathematics


Total Questions : 58 | Page 4 of 6 pages
Question 31.

There is a circular path around a sports field. Sonia takes 18 minutes to drive one round of the field, while Ravi takes 12 minutes for the same. Suppose they both start at the same point and at the same time and go in the same direction. After how many minutes will they meet again at the starting point?

  1.     24
  2.     36
  3.     3
  4.     6
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Answer: Option B. -> 36

Number of minutes = LCM of 18 and 12
Prime Factorisation:
12 = 2 × 2 × 3

18 = 2 × 3 × 3

L.C.M of the two numbers = 22×32=36

Question 32.

The largest 4 digit number exactly divisible by 88 is:

  1.     9944
  2.     9988
  3.     9966
  4.     8888
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Answer: Option A. -> 9944

We have,
Largest 4-digit number = 9999
88) 9999 (113
When 9999 is divided by 88, remainder is 55.
Required number = (9999 - 55) = 9944

Question 33.

What is the least number that must be added to 1056 so the number is divisible by 23?

  1.     1
  2.     2
  3.     3
  4.     0
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Answer: Option B. -> 2

On dividing 1056 by 23, we get,
45231056    1035    21
1056 = 23 × 45 + 21
Here, the remainder is 21 and divisor is 21.
The diffrenece between Divisor and remainder = 23 - 21 = 2.
If we add 2 to the dividend 1056, we will get a number completely divisible by 23.
The least number to be added = 2

Question 34.

The difference of two numbers is 1365. On dividing the larger number by the smaller, we get 6 as quotient and 15 as remainder. What is the smaller number ?

  1.     240
  2.     270
  3.     295
  4.     360
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 270

Let the smaller number be x.
 Larger number = x+1365
By Euclid's division lemma, the larger number can also be written as 6x+15.
The smaller number is 270 and the larger number is 270 + 1365 = 1635.

Question 35.

Find the largest number which can divide both 324 and 144.

  1.     21
  2.     9
  3.     36
  4.     18
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Answer: Option C. -> 36

The largest number that can divide both 324 and 144 is the HCF of both the numbers.
Prime factorising the two numbers we get,
Now, taking the common factors between them will give us the HCF.
HCF =2×2×3×3=36

Question 36.

Which of the following is not an irrational number?

  1.     2
  2.     π
  3.     3
  4.     4.8
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Answer: Option D. -> 4.8

2=1.414213562373095..., is non-recurring and non-terminating. So it is an irrational number.
The value of π is 3.14159265358..., the digits neither terminate nor recur and hence it is an irrational number.
3=1.732142857…, is non-recurring and non-terminating. So it is an irrational number..
4.8 = 4810 satisfies all the properties of a rational number. Therefore, it is a rational number.

Question 37.

HCF of 1848, 3058 and 1331 is 

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Answer: Option D. -> 4.8

Two numbers 1848 and 3058, where 3058 > 1848
3058 = 1848 × 1 + 1210
1848 = 1210 × 1 + 638 [Using Euclid's division algorithm to the given number 1848 and 3058]
1210 = 638 × 1 + 572
638 = 572 × 1 + 66
572 = 66 × 8 + 44
66 = 44 × 1 + 22
44 = 22 × 2 + 0
Therefore HCF of 1848 and 3058 is 22.
HCF (1848 and 3058) = 22
Let us find the HCF of the numbers 1331 and 22.
1331 = 22 × 60 + 11
22 = 11 × 2 + 0
HCF of 1331 and 22 is 11
HCF (22, 1331) = 11
Hence the HCF of the three given numbers 1848, 3058 and 1331 is 11.
HCF (1848, 3058, 1331) = 11

Question 38.

Which of the following have a non terminating decimal expansion?

  1.     17210
  2.     239
  3.     1780
  4.     3550
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> 17210
A and B

If pq is a rational number with terminating decimal expansion where p and q are coprimes, then the prime factorisation of q will be in the form of 2n5m, where n and m are non - negative integers.
Consider the fraction 17210.
Here 210 = 2 × 3 × 5 ×7
Hence 210 is not in the form of 2n5m.
Consider the fraction 239.
Here 9 = 3 × 3 = 32
Hence 9 is not in the form of 2n5m.
Consider the fraction 1780.
Here 80 = 2 ×× 2 × 2 × 5 = 24×5 
Hence 80 is in the form of 2n5m with n = 4 and m = 1.
Consider the fraction 3550=710.
Here 10 = 2 × 5 = 21×51 
Hence 10 is in the form of 2n5m with n = 1 and m = 1.
Therefore, 17210 and 239 will have non - terminating decimal expansion.

Question 39.

For two numbers 96 and 404, the HCF is 4. What is the LCM of the two numbers?

  1.     9696
  2.     9698
  3.     9600
  4.     9700
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> 9696
Product of two numbers = Product of their HCF and LCM.
96 × 404 = 4 × LCM
LCM = 96×4044
LCM = 9696
HCF and LCM is 4 and 9696 respectively.
Question 40.

The decimal expansion of 141120 will terminate after how many places?

  1.     3
  2.     5
  3.     7
  4.     Will not terminate
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> 3

Given rational number 141120

Here, 120=23×3×5


141120 = 3×4723×3×5

=  4723×5

Multiply and divide by 52.



= 1.175

Therefore, 141120 will terminate after three decimal places. 

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