Sail E0 Webinar

9th Grade > Mathematics


Total Questions : 57 | Page 3 of 6 pages
Question 21. The fundamental difference between a rhombus and a kite is that the sum of adjacent angles are supplementary in a kite.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    Parallelogram
  4.    All of these
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Answer: Option B. -> False
A rhombus can be considered as a parallelogram with all sides equal. Hence its adjacent angles are supplementary, whereas a kite does not have any sides parallel and thus its adjacent angles need not be supplementary.
Question 22. Quadrilateral in which only one pair of opposite sides is parallel is known as__
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Trapezium is a quadrilateralin which only one pair of opposite sides is parallel.
Question 23. Which of the following is a regular quadrilateral?
  1.    Parallelogram
  2.    Square
  3.    Trapezium
  4.    Kite
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Answer: Option B. -> Square
A regular quadrilateral is a shape that has four equal sideswith all the interior angles equal.
Among the given options, only square has all its four sides equal with each angle being 90.
Question 24. The angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 3:4:5:6. Find the angles of the quadrilateral. 
  1.    40∘, 100∘, 80∘, 140∘
  2.    60∘, 80∘, 100∘, 120∘
  3.    30∘, 40∘, 50∘, 60∘
  4.    10∘, 20∘, 30∘, 40∘
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Answer: Option B. -> 60∘, 80∘, 100∘, 120∘
The angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio3:4:5:6.
Let the angles of the quadrilateralbe 3x,4x,5x,6x.
The sum of the angles of aquadrilateral is 360.
Question 25. A diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two congruent triangles.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    Three angles are known.
  4.    Length of sides should be known
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Answer: Option A. -> True
A Diagonal Of A Parallelogram Divides It Into Two Congruent ...
Suppose ABCD is a parallelogram and BD is the diagonal.
There are two triangles - Δ ABD and Δ CDB
In Δ ABD and Δ CDB,
AD = BC (opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal)
AB = CD (opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal)
BD is common
By SSS criterion of congruency,
Hence, the given statement is true.
Question 26. A parallelogram whose all sides are equal is called a _____. 
  1.    trapezium
  2.    rhombus
  3.    rectangle
  4.    kite
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Answer: Option B. -> rhombus

  • Trapezium cannot be a parallelogram.

  • Rhombus is a parallelogram, whose sides are always equal.

  • Rectangle is a parallelogram whose opposite sides are equal.

  • Kite is not a parallelogram.

A Parallelogram Whose All Sides Are Equal Is Called A _____....
A parallelogram whose all sides are equal is called a rhombus.
Question 27. Area of parallelogram is the product of base and corresponding height.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    Three angles are known.
  4.    Length of sides should be known
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Answer: Option A. -> True
A parallelogram is made up of two triangles, each having an area equal to the halfof the product of base and corresponding height. Adding these two, we find the given statement to be true.
Question 28.

Which of the following is not a quadrilateral?

  1.     Square
  2.     Circle
  3.     Rhombus
  4.     Trapezium
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Answer: Option B. -> Circle

A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and four vertices.

A quadrilateral has four sides, four angles and four vertices. Square, trapezium and rhombus are quadrilaterals. A circle can be approximated as a polygon with infinite sides but it is not a polygon. 

It is because a polygon must have straight edges (sides). A circle doesn't have straight sides.

Question 29.

The sum of angles of a kite is:

  1.     180
  2.     360
  3.     480
  4.     90
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Answer: Option B. -> 360

The Sum Of Angles Of A Kite is:A kite is a quadrilateral.
We know that, the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is equal to 360°.
The sum of the angles of a kite is also equal to 360°.

Question 30.

The three angles of a quadrilateral are 75, 90 and 75. The quadrilateral can be a parallelogram.

  1.     True
  2.     False
  3.     Parallelogram
  4.     All of these
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Answer: Option B. -> False

Sum of all angles of a quadrilateral is 360.

Fourth angle=360(75+90+75)=120

Since the pairs of opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal, this quadrilateral cannot be a parallelogram since it has three different angles and only one pair of equal angles.

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