Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 219 | Page 2 of 22 pages
Question 11. The change of volume per unit time is __________
  1.    \(\frac{∂∆V}{∂z}=-V_0 ∆σ’\)
  2.    \(\frac{∂∆V}{∂z}=-a_v V_0 ∆σ’\)
  3.    \(\frac{∂∆V}{∂z}=-m_v \frac{∂∆σ’}{∂t}\)
  4.    \(\frac{∂∆V}{∂z}=-m_v dxdydz \frac{∂∆σ’}{∂t}\)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> \(\frac{∂∆V}{∂z}=-m_v dxdydz \frac{∂∆σ’}{∂t}\)
Answer: (d).\(\frac{∂∆V}{∂z}=-m_v dxdydz \frac{∂∆σ’}{∂t}\)
Question 12. The coefficient of consolidation in terms of voids ratio e and coefficient of compressibility is ____________
  1.    \(C_v=\frac{k(1+e_0)}{a_v γ_w}\)
  2.    \(C_v=\frac{k(1-e_0)}{a_v γ_w}\)
  3.    \(C_v=\frac{k(e_0)}{a_v γ_w}\)
  4.    \(C_v=\frac{(1+e_0)}{a_v γ_w}\)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> \(C_v=\frac{k(1+e_0)}{a_v γ_w}\)
Answer: (a).\(C_v=\frac{k(1+e_0)}{a_v γ_w}\)
Question 13. The term \(\frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂t}\) in terms of coefficient of volume change and coefficient of permeability is given by ____________
  1.    \(\frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂t}=\frac{k}{m_v γ_w} \frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂z}\)
  2.    \( \frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂t}=\frac{k}{m_v γ_w} \frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂z}\)
  3.    \( \frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂t}=\frac{k}{m_v γ_w} \frac{∂^2\overline{u}}{∂z^2}\)
  4.    \( \frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂t}=\frac{k}{m_v γ_w} \frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂z}\)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> \( \frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂t}=\frac{k}{m_v γ_w} \frac{∂^2\overline{u}}{∂z^2}\)
Answer: (c).\( \frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂t}=\frac{k}{m_v γ_w} \frac{∂^2\overline{u}}{∂z^2}\)
Question 14. The coefficient of consolidation is given by ___________
  1.    \(C_v=\frac{q}{m_v γ_w}\)
  2.    \(C_v=\frac{1}{m_v γ_w}\)
  3.    \(C_v=\frac{k}{m_v} \)
  4.    \(C_v=\frac{k}{m_v γ_w}\)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> \(C_v=\frac{k}{m_v γ_w}\)
Answer: (d).\(C_v=\frac{k}{m_v γ_w}\)
Question 15. The partial differentiation of velocity of water in soil element with respect to depth z in terms of coefficient of volume change is given by ____________
  1.    \(\frac{∂v}{∂z}=m_v \frac{∂^2 \overline{u}}{∂t^2}\)
  2.    \(\frac{∂v}{∂z}=m_v \frac{\overline{u}}{∂t^2}\)
  3.    \(\frac{∂v}{∂z}=\frac{∂^2 \overline{u}}{∂t^2}\)
  4.    \(\frac{∂v}{∂z}=m_v \frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂t}\)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> \(\frac{∂v}{∂z}=m_v \frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂t}\)
Answer: (d).\(\frac{∂v}{∂z}=m_v \frac{∂\overline{u}}{∂t}\)
Question 16. The logarithm of time fitting method is based on the characteristic of ______________
  1.    U and Tᵥ
  2.    U and log₁₀⁡Tᵥ
  3.    Tᵥ
  4.    log₁₀Tᵥ
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> U and log₁₀⁡Tᵥ
Answer: (b).U and log₁₀⁡Tᵥ
Question 17. In logarithm of time fitting method, the graph is drawn on a ____________
  1.    radial graph
  2.    linear graph
  3.    semi-log plot
  4.    log-log plot
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> semi-log plot
Answer: (c).semi-log plot
Question 18. For logarithm of time fitting method, the coefficient of consolidation is detained from ________
  1.    \(c_v=\frac{(T_v)_{70} d^3}{t_{70}} \)
  2.    \(c_v=\frac{(T_v)_{80} d^2}{t_{80}} \)
  3.    \(c_v=\frac{(T_v)_{90} d^4}{t_{90}} \)
  4.    \(c_v=\frac{(T_v)_{50} d^2}{t_{50}} \)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> \(c_v=\frac{(T_v)_{50} d^2}{t_{50}} \)
Answer: (d).\(c_v=\frac{(T_v)_{50} d^2}{t_{50}} \)
Question 19. From the coefficient of consolidation and coefficient of compressibility, the coefficient of permeability is found by equation __________
  1.    \(k=\frac{γ_w}{1+e_o} \)
  2.    \(k=\frac{C_v a_v Aγ_w}{1+e_o} \)
  3.    \(k=\frac{a_v γ_w}{1+e_o} \)
  4.    \(k=\frac{C_v a_v γ_w}{1+e_o} \)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> \(k=\frac{C_v a_v γ_w}{1+e_o} \)
Answer: (d).\(k=\frac{C_v a_v γ_w}{1+e_o} \)
Question 20. From the coefficient of consolidation and coefficient of volume change, the coefficient of permeability is found by equation ____________
  1.    k=mᵥ γᵥ
  2.    k=Cᵥ γᵥ
  3.    k=Cᵥ mᵥ γᵥ
  4.    k=Cᵥ mᵥ
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> k=Cᵥ mᵥ γᵥ
Answer: (c).k=Cᵥ mᵥ γᵥ

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