Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 302 | Page 18 of 31 pages
Question 171. The extent in which value in created in customer's mind and affects market performance is considered as
  1.    market multiplier
  2.    customer multiplier
  3.    customer multiplier
  4.    program multiplier
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> customer multiplier
Answer: (c).customer multiplier
Question 172. An element in defensive brand building does not include
  1.    transferable
  2.    unmemorable
  3.    adoptable
  4.    protectable
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> unmemorable
Answer: (b).unmemorable
Question 173. The extent to which value shown by market performance is shown in shareholder value is considered as
  1.    customer multiplier
  2.    program multiplier
  3.    market multiplier
  4.    customer multiplier
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> market multiplier
Answer: (c).market multiplier
Question 174. The parent brand if it is associated with multiple products in brand extension is called
  1.    family brand
  2.    product extension
  3.    sub-product
  4.    parent company
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> family brand
Answer: (a).family brand
Question 175. The parent brand introducing new product within the existing category is considered as
  1.    line extension
  2.    category extension
  3.    parent extension
  4.    brand extension
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> line extension
Answer: (a).line extension
Question 176. The lower level of esteem, energy and high knowledge are shown by
  1.    strong brands
  2.    evident brands
  3.    leadership brands
  4.    declining brands
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> evident brands
Answer: (b).evident brands
Question 177. The activities and steps that inform and engage employees in building a brand is classified as
  1.    external marketing
  2.    internal marketing
  3.    internal branding
  4.    external branding
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> internal branding
Answer: (c).internal branding
Question 178. The situation when consumers stop associations with brands or start thinking less about brand is classified as
  1.    brand classification
  2.    brand association
  3.    brand dilution
  4.    brand prestige
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> brand dilution
Answer: (c).brand dilution
Question 179. The value creation practices such as customizing and commoditizing are included in
  1.    impression management
  2.    community engagement
  3.    brand use
  4.    social networking
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> brand use
Answer: (c).brand use
Question 180. When customers react favorably for specific brand and identify it differently, it is said to be
  1.    positive brand equity
  2.    negative brand equity
  3.    buyer's equity
  4.    market share equity
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> positive brand equity
Answer: (a).positive brand equity

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