Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 302 | Page 16 of 31 pages
Question 151. The firm uses any existing brand to introduce in market as a new product, the brand is classified as
  1.    brand extension
  2.    sub-brand
  3.    parent brand
  4.    product extension
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> brand extension
Answer: (a).brand extension
Question 152. The value creation practices such as evangelizing and justifying is classified as
  1.    social networking
  2.    impression management
  3.    community engagement
  4.    brand use
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> impression management
Answer: (b).impression management
Question 153. The drivers that differentiate and identify the brands are classified as
  1.    brand elements
  2.    brand emotions
  3.    brand conversation
  4.    brand judgments
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> brand elements
Answer: (a).brand elements
Question 154. The marketer's enter in to different product category with the parent brand, is considered as
  1.    category extension
  2.    company extension
  3.    company architecture
  4.    company earning rate
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> category extension
Answer: (a).category extension
Question 155. The mix and match maximize collective and individual effects are classified as
  1.    integrated marketing
  2.    holistic marketing
  3.    adoptable marketing
  4.    protectable marketing
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> integrated marketing
Answer: (a).integrated marketing
Question 156. When customers do not react favorably for specific brand under same circumstances, is said to be
  1.    buyer's equity
  2.    market share equity
  3.    positive brand equity
  4.    negative brand equity
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> negative brand equity
Answer: (d).negative brand equity
Question 157. In value stages, the customer's mind-set should consider
  1.    associations
  2.    communications
  3.    cost structure
  4.    stock price
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> associations
Answer: (a).associations
Question 158. A company's survey to access people's knowledge, preferences and beliefs are classified as
  1.    survey research
  2.    focus group researcher
  3.    ethnographic research
  4.    observational research
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> survey research
Answer: (a).survey research
Question 159. The technique of asking respondents for completing presented sentences is said to be
  1.    completely unstructured
  2.    word association
  3.    sentence completion
  4.    thematic appreciation test
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> sentence completion
Answer: (c).sentence completion
Question 160. The collection of data through primary and secondary data sources is classified as
  1.    data sources
  2.    observational research
  3.    objective research
  4.    applied research
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> data sources
Answer: (a).data sources

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