Sail E0 Webinar

10th Grade > Biology


Total Questions : 54 | Page 2 of 6 pages
Question 11. In which of the following organisms does budding take place?
  1.    Amoeba
  2.    Hydra
  3.    Lizard
  4.    Spirogyra
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Answer: Option B. -> Hydra
Hydra and yeast can reproduce by budding. Amoeba reproduces by fission. Lizard does not reproduce by asexual reproduction. Spirogyra reproduces by fragmentation.
Question 12. Identify A.
Identify A.
  1.    Testis
  2.    Scrotum
  3.    Seminal vesicle
  4.    Vas deferens
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Answer: Option D. -> Vas deferens
The vas deferens is a long, muscular tube that travels from the epididymis into the pelvic cavity, to just behind the bladder. The vas deferens transports mature sperm from the testis to the urethra which is the tube that carries urine or sperm to outside of the body.
Question 13. Sexual mode of reproduction results in offsprings identical to the parents.
  1.    True
  2.    False
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Answer: Option B. -> False
Sexual mode of reproduction gives similar but not identical offsprings whereas asexual mode gives mostly identical offspring. Offsprings born by sexual reproduction are not identicalbecause sexual reproduction introduces variation.
Question 14. The disc-like tissue embedded in the uterine wall which provides nutrition to the embryo within the womb is known as the placenta.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    Hysterectomy
  4.    Masectomy
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Answer: Option A. -> True
When the zygote gets attached to the wall of the uterus(implantation), a disc-liketissue is formed. This tissue provides all the nutrition and oxygen to the growing embryo and removes all the waste material as well. This disc-like tissue, known asplacenta, is also responsible for conferring immunity to the growing embryo.
Question 15. The technique of sterilizing a male by blocking the vas deferens is known as:
  1.    Tubectomy
  2.    Vasectomy
  3.    Hysterectomy
  4.    Masectomy
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Answer: Option B. -> Vasectomy
Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for male sterilisation and/or permanent contraception. During the procedure, the male vasdeferens are severed and then tied/sealed in a manner so as to prevent sperms from entering into the seminal stream (ejaculate) and thereby preventing fertilisation.
Tubectomy is asimilar process in females where the fallopian tube is sealed.
Hysterectomy is theremoval of uterus which is carried out only is severe disease conditions.
Mastectomy is the medical term for the surgical removal of one or both breasts, partially or completely.
Question 16. Which of the following does not use asexual mode of reproduction?
  1.    Amoeba
  2.    Planaria
  3.    Bryophyllum
  4.    Coconut tree
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Answer: Option D. -> Coconut tree
Amoeba reproduces by fission. Planaria reproduces by fragmentation and bryophyllum reproduces by vegetative propagation. All these three are asexual modes of reproduction. In coconut trees, or any palm trees, pollen from male flowers transfers to female flowers, which develop a fruit with a seed inside. This is sexual reproduction, and it keeps the species genetically flexible.
Question 17. In a fertilised flower, _____ forms the fruit whereas _____ forms the seed.
  1.    ovary, ovule
  2.    ovule, pollen
  3.    ovule, ovary
  4.    pollen, ovary
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Answer: Option A. -> ovary, ovule
Flower is the reproductive part of a plant. The female parts of the flower will create an ovule (unfertilised egg). The egg will remain in the ovary and waits to be fertilised. The male parts (in particular, the anther) will produce pollen, which contains the sperm needed to fertilise the egg. After fertilisation, the ovary develops into a fruit whereas the ovules develop a hard coat and gradually gets converted into seeds.
Question 18. Label the parts of the flower:
Label The Parts Of The Flower:
  1.    1 - Peduncle, 2 - Filament, 3 - Petal, 4 - Stigma, 5 - Style, 6 -Ovary, 7 - Anther , 8 - Sepal
  2.    1 - Receptacle, 2 - Petal, 3 - Sepal, 4 - Style, 5 - Stigma, 6 - Ovule, 7 - Pollen sac, 8 - Filament 
  3.    1 - Peduncle, 2 - Sepal, 3 - Petal, 4 - Stigma, 5 - Style, 6 - Ovary, 7 - Anther, 8 - Stamen
  4.    1 - Receptacle, 2 - Sepal, 3 - Petal, 4 - Stigma, 5 - Style, 6 - Ovary, 7 - Stamen, 8 - Filament
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Answer: Option C. -> 1 - Peduncle, 2 - Sepal, 3 - Petal, 4 - Stigma, 5 - Style, 6 - Ovary, 7 - Anther, 8 - Stamen
Label The Parts Of The Flower:
Question 19. The gestation period in human is about:
  1.    100-120 days
  2.    320-360 days
  3.    270-280 days
  4.    500-520 days
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Answer: Option C. -> 270-280 days
The gestation period is the period of foetal development starting from fertilisation and ending at parturition or childbirth. During this period, the single-celled zygoteundergoes gradual changes that help it to become afunctional multicellular organism. The gestation period in human beings is about 270-280 days (9 months).
Question 20. The average duration of menstrual cycle in human female is ___ days.
  1.    14
  2.    28
  3.    30
  4.    31
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Answer: Option B. -> 28
The menstrual cycle lasts for about 28 days in female human beings. The release of ovum is called ovulation and it takes place during the mid period of this cycle. The first mentrual cycle in the lifespan of a female is called menarche and the last menstrual cycle is called menopause.

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