Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 16 | Page 2 of 2 pages
Question 11. Which of the following property is used to define how nested items are rendered in a 3-D space, the choice being either flattened or with their dimensions preserved?
  1.    transition-duration
  2.    transition-delay
  3.    transition
  4.    transform-style
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Answer: Option D. -> transform-style

Syntax: transform-style: flat

Question 12. Which of the following property defines the width of each column in a multicolumn text flow?
  1.    width
  2.    columns
  3.    filter
  4.    column-width
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Answer: Option D. -> column-width

Implemented CSS3 and Browser-Specific Syntax: column-width: length | auto

Question 13. Which of the following generate "virtual rules representing their effects when running?
  1.    DOM's
  2.    !important
  3.    CSS Animations
  4.    Inheritance
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Answer: Option C. -> CSS Animations

Question 14. Which of the following CSS3 property can be used to allow line breaks within words?
  1.    word-wrap
  2.    word-break
  3.    line-wrap
  4.    line-break
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Answer: Option B. -> word-break

Syntax: word-break: break-all | keep-all | normal

Question 15. Which of the following property allows a marquee to be used in the case of a text overflow?
  1.    overflow-style
  2.    opacity
  3.    overflow-x
  4.    perspective
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Answer: Option C. -> overflow-x

overflow-style: auto | marquee-block | marquee-line

Question 16. Which of the following transform property value defines a perspective view for a 3D transformed element?
  1.    perspective3d(n)
  2.    perspective(n,n,n)
  3.    perspective(n)
  4.    none of the above
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Answer: Option B. -> perspective(n,n,n)

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