Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 343 | Page 5 of 35 pages
Question 41. Most PCs give a single beep on bootup to indicate they are ok hardware wise. You boot your PC and don't get a beep. What should you check first?
  1.    system board
  2.    RAM
  3.    microprocessor
  4.    power supply
  5.    speaker
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Answer: Option E. -> speaker
Question 42. Your customer tells you the print quality of their dot matrix printer is light then dark. Which of the following could cause the problem.
  1.    Paper slippage
  2.    Improper ribbon advancement
  3.    Paper thickness
  4.    Head position
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option B. -> Improper ribbon advancement
Question 43. Voltage4s measured:
  1.    in parallel
  2.    in series
  3.    after breaking the circuit
  4.    after checking resistance
  5.    after checking current
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Answer: Option A. -> in parallel
Question 44. Which peripheral port provides the FASTEST throughput to laser printers?
  1.    RS-232
  2.    SCSI
  3.    Parallel
  4.    Serial
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option C. -> Parallel
Question 45. The mouse pointer moves erratically, what is the possible cause? The mouse
  1.    ball is dirty
  2.    is not connected
  3.    driver is not installed properly
  4.    has an incorrect IRQ setting
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> ball is dirty
Question 46. Pick the correct choice for the 80386SXCPU.
  1.    16 bit word size, 16 bit data path
  2.    32 bit word size, 16 bit data path
  3.    8 bit word size, 32 bit data path
  4.    32 bit word size, 8 bit data path
  5.    32 bit word size, 32 bit data path
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Answer: Option B. -> 32 bit word size, 16 bit data path
Question 47. What tool is used to test serial and parallel ports?
  1.    high volt probe
  2.    cable scanner
  3.    loop backs (wrap plugs)
  4.    sniffer
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option C. -> loop backs (wrap plugs)
Question 48. ESD would cause the most damage to which component?
  1.    Power supply
  2.    Expansion board
  3.    Monitor
  4.    Keyboard
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option B. -> Expansion board
Question 49. When your hard drive crashes from any of the correct selections in the question above, or from dropping it, it is known as head-to-disk interference, or HDL
  1.    True
  2.    FALSE
  3.    loop backs (wrap plugs)
  4.    sniffer
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> True
Question 50. In Inkjet technology the droplets of ink are deflected by?
  1.    multi directional nozzles
  2.    electronically charged plates
  3.    high pressure plates
  4.    electro static absorbtion
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> multi directional nozzles

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