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10th Grade > Chemistry


Total Questions : 51 | Page 3 of 6 pages
Question 21. CO2(g)+H2(g)CO(g)+H2O(l)
The given reaction is an example of:
  1.    combination reaction
  2.    precipitation reaction
  3.    decomposition reaction
  4.    redox reaction
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> redox reaction

  • In the given reaction, oxidation and reduction is occuring simultaneously as carbon dioxide is reduced to carbon monoxide by losing oxygen and hydrogen is oxidised to water by gaining oxygen.

  • The reaction in which oxidation and reduction occurs simultaneously is called a redox reaction.

Question 22.

Identify the type of chemical reaction.

  1.     Decomposition reaction 
  2.     Combination reaction
  3.     Double displacement reaction
  4.     Displacement reaction
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Combination reaction
In combination reaction, two or more elements or compounds react to form a single product. The given reaction is a combination reaction as carbon and oxygen are combining to form carbon dioxide.
Question 23.

Which of the following is a displacement reaction?

  1.     CaO(s)+H2O(l)Ca(OH)2(aq)
  2.     MgCO3(s)MgO(s) +CO2(g)
  3.     2Na(s)+2H2O(l)2NaOH(aq)+H2(g)
  4.     H2(g)+Cl2(g)2HCl(g)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 2Na(s)+2H2O(l)2NaOH(aq)+H2(g)
The chemical reaction in which a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its compound is called displacement reaction.
Among the given options, the reaction between sodium and water to form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas is an example of a displacement reaction. This is because sodium, which is more reactive than hydrogen, displaces it from water.
Question 24.

Which of the following is an example of chemical reaction?

  1.     Conversion of steam to water 
  2.     Rusting of iron
  3.     Cutting of wood 
  4.     Melting of ice candy
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Rusting of iron
Rusting of iron is a chemical reaction. When iron rusts, it reacts with oxygen present in water or moisture in the air to create a new compound called iron (III) oxide.
Fe(s) + O2(g)Fe2O3.xH2O(s)
Fe2O3.xH2O is commonly known as rust and has properties entirely different from that of iron or oxygen. 
Other options involve either change in physical state or size.
Question 25.

What happens when iron filings are added to dilute hydrochloric acid? 

  1.     Only hydrogen gas is produced
  2.     Hydrogen gas and iron (II) chloride are formed
  3.     Hydrogen gas and iron (III) chloride are formed
  4.     Iron filings do not react
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Hydrogen gas and iron (III) chloride are formed
In an aqueous solution, the hydrochloric acid dissociates to render hydronium ions and chloride ions. The released chloride ions oxidize the iron atoms to form iron (III) chloride as Fe3+ ions are more stable than Fe2+ ions. The hydrogen ions are reduced to hydrogen gas. Here, the reduction is observed in terms of the gain of electrons and the oxidation is observed in terms of the loss of electrons. Hence, hydrogen gas and iron (III) chloride are produced.
Question 26.

When potassium permanganate is heated it produces potassium manganate, manganese dioxide and oxygen gas. This is an example of ______ reaction.

  1.     exothermic
  2.     electrolytic
  3.     endothermic
  4.     electrochemical
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> endothermic

When potassium permanganate is heated it produces potassium manganate, manganese dioxide, and oxygen gas. This means in the reaction heat is absorbed so it is an example of an endothermic reaction.

Exothermic reactions are those in which the heat is released.

Electrolysis is a process in which a substance undergoes decomposition by absorbing electrical energy.

Chemical reactions in which electrical energy is consumed are called electrochemical reactions.

Question 27.

Above reaction is a:

  1.     Precipitation reaction
  2.     Double displacement reaction
  3.     Combination reaction
  4.     (a) and (b) both
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> (a) and (b) both
Often, a precipitate forms in a double displacement reaction. In this reaction-
both AgNO3 and NaCl exchange their ions to form new compounds, AgCl (ppt) and NaNO3. Hence, it shows both double displacement and precipitation.
Question 28.

In which of the following reaction the physical state of the reactants or the product is not correctly represented?

  1.     N2(g)+3H2(g)2NH3(g)
  2.     SO2(g)+Cl2(g)SO2(g)
  3.     Zn (s)+HCl (aq)ZnCl2(aq)+H2(g)
  4.     NH3(s)+HCl (aq)NH4Cl (s)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> NH3(s)+HCl (aq)NH4Cl (s)

While writing a chemical equation letter are used in brackets or subscripts next to the chemical formulae to specify the physical state of the reactants and the products. 

- s is for solids

- l is for liquids

- g for gas

- aq is aqueous solution

The reaction in which the physical state of the reactants or the product is not correctly represented is:

NH3(s)+HCl (aq)NH4Cl (s)

This is because ammonia (NH3) is a gas.

Question 29.

Which of the following reactions are exothermic in nature?

  1.     Evaporation of water
  2.     Dissolution of sodium hydroxide in water
  3.     Dilution of sulphuric acid
  4.     Combustion of methane gas
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Combustion of methane gas
B, C, and D

Dissolution of sodium hydroxide in water, dilution of sulphuric acid and combustion of methane gas are exothermic reactions in which a large amount of heat is released.

Evaporation of water is endothermic reaction in which heat is absorbed.

Question 30.

The given reaction is an example of:

  1.     combination reaction
  2.     precipitation reaction
  3.     decomposition reaction
  4.     redox reaction
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> redox reaction

  • In the given reaction, oxidation and reduction is occuring simultaneously as carbon dioxide is reduced to carbon monoxide by losing oxygen and hydrogen is oxidised to water by gaining oxygen.

  • The reaction in which oxidation and reduction occurs simultaneously is called a redox reaction.

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