Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 10
Question 1. Which Map is synchronized?
  1.    Hashtable
  2.    ConcurrentSkipListMap
  3.    ConcurrentHashMap
  4.    All of these
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Answer: Option D. -> All of these

Question 2. Which of these is not an interface in the Collections Framework?
  1.    Collection
  2.    Group
  3.    Set
  4.    List
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Answer: Option B. -> Group

Question 3. The accuracy and efficiency of a HashMap can be guaranteed with
  1.    override equals method
  2.    Override hashCode method
  3.    None of these
  4.    All of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> All of these

Question 4. Which is best suited to a multi-threaded environment?
  1.    WeakHashMap
  2.    Hashtable
  3.    HashMap
  4.    ConcurrentHashMap
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Answer: Option D. -> ConcurrentHashMap

Question 5. concurrentSkipListMap allows
  1.    one null key
  2.    many null values
  3.    all
  4.    None
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Answer: Option D. -> None

Question 6. Which allows the removal of elements from a collection?
  1.    Enumeration
  2.    Iterator
  3.    Both
  4.    None
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Iterator

Question 7. Which of these class should be preferred to be used as a key in a HashMap?
  1.    String
  2.    Integer
  3.    Double
  4.    Any of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Any of these

Question 8. Which provides better performance for the insertion and removal from the middle of the list?
  1.    Vector
  2.    ArrayList
  3.    LinkedList
  4.    All of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> LinkedList

Question 9. Iterator returned by ConcurrentHashMap on key, value and entry is?
  1.    Fail-fast
  2.    Fail-safe
  3.    None
  4.    All
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Answer: Option D. -> All

Question 10. The Comparable interface contains which called?
  1.    toCompare
  2.    compare
  3.    compareTo
  4.    compareWith
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> compareTo

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