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Write a note on arrangement of human teeth. [5 MARKS]
Arrangement of teeth: 1 Mark each
1. The first set of teeth called as primary teeth, and are present in children. There are 20 in total and are gradually lost over time.
2. In humans, a total of 32
teeth eventually form in the adult. They are called permanent teeth. Each adult jaw contains a set of four incisors,which are used for biting. They are chisel-shaped and are present in the middle of the mouth.
3. These four are covered on both sides by single canines,
sharp tearing teeth, which are much longer in carnivorous animals like lions and tigers.
4. Towards the rear of the jaw is a pair of premolars
and then three larger molarson each side. The premolars and molars are flattened, ridged teeth with large surfaces adapted for grinding and powdering food.
5. During biting and chewing, a near-perfect placement of upper and lower sets of teeth is vital for efficiently processing ingested food. Misplacement may lead to pain, as well as poor processing of food.

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