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Which of the words/phrases (A), (B), (C), and (D), should replace the words/phrases given in italics in each of the following sentences so as to make the sentence effective and meaningfully correct. If the sentence is correct and needs no change, mark "E" as your answer.
The centre forward was constantly being cheered and applauded because he had made many goals.

A .  he had secured many goals tick.pngcross.png
B .  he made many goalstick.pngcross.png
C .  he had scored many goalstick.pngcross.png
D .  he had scored goalstick.pngcross.png
E .  No correctiontick.pngcross.png
Answer: Option C

The wordscore means to achieve or gain a point or points in a game or competition. The wordgoal is used in the sports context to refer to the successful scoring of points in a game. Hence, the phrasehe had scored many goals is the most appropriate phrase to use in the given sentence.

The other options given in the question are not appropriate for the sentence. Option A,he had secured many goals, does not make sense in this context. The phrasesecure means to make certain or safe. Hence, the phrasehe had secured many goals does not make sense in this context.

Option B,he made many goals, is also not appropriate. The wordmake means to create or manufacture something. Hence, the phrasehe made many goals does not make sense in this context.

Option D,he had scored goals, is also not appropriate as it does not give any information about the number of goals he had scored.

Option E,No correction, is also not appropriate as the sentence can still be improved by replacing the phrasemade many goals with the phrasehe had scored many goals.

Hence, the correct option is option Che had scored many goals.

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