Sail E0 Webinar
Which of the given statement is incorrect about Orthologs?
A .  In comparing two proteomes, a common standard is to require that for each pair of orthologs, the first of the pair is the best hit when the second is used to query the proteome of the first
B .  To identify orthologs, each protein in the proteome of an organism is used as a query in a similarity search of a database comprising the proteomes of only one different organism
C .  The best hit in each proteome is likely to be with an ortholog of the query gene
D .  Orthologs are genes that are so highly conserved by sequence in different genomes that the proteins they encode are strongly predicted to have the same structure and function and to have arisen from a common ancestor through speciation
Answer: Option B
Answer: (b).To identify orthologs, each protein in the proteome of an organism is used as a query in a similarity search of a database comprising the proteomes of only one different organism

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