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What will be the output of the program?

int i;
int fun1(int);
int fun2(int);
int main()
extern int j;
int i=3;
printf("%d,", i);
printf("%d", i);
return 0;
int fun1(int j)
printf("%d,", ++j);
return 0;
int fun2(int i)
printf("%d,", ++i);
return 0;
int j=1;
A .  3, 4, 4, 3
B .  4, 3, 4, 3
C .  3, 3, 4, 4
D .  3, 4, 3, 4
Answer: Option B

Step 1: int i; The variable i is declared as an global and integer type.

Step 2: int fun1(int); This prototype tells the compiler that the fun1() accepts the one integer 

parameter and returns the integer value.

Step 3: int fun2(int); This prototype tells the compiler that the fun2() accepts the one integer

 parameter and returns the integer value.

Step 4: extern int j; Inside the main function, the extern variable j is declared and defined in 

another source file.

Step 5: int i=3; The local variable i is defines as an integer type and initialized to 3.

Step 6: fun1(i); The fun1(i) increements the given value of variable i prints it. Here fun1(i) becomes

 fun1(3) hence it prints '4' then the control is given back to the mainfunction.

Step 7: printf("%d,", i); It prints the value of local variable i. So, it prints '3'.

Step 8: fun2(i); The fun2(i) increements the given value of variable i prints it. Here fun2(i) becomes

 fun2(3) hence it prints '4' then the control is given back to the mainfunction.

Step 9: printf("%d,", i); It prints the value of local variable i. So, it prints '3'.

Hence the output is "4 3 4 3".

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