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Waiter : Tip
A .  Student : Marks
B .  Worker : Bonus
C .  Employee ; Wages
D .  Clerk : Bribe
E .  None of these
Answer: Option B

 -  Second is the additional money given to the first for good service

The relationship between the waiter and the tip is a classic example of a scenario where an individual provides a service, and based on the quality of the service, the individual is rewarded with a tip. Similarly, a worker who performs well is rewarded with a bonus by the employer.

Let us understand the given options in detail:

A. Student: Marks - This option does not provide a suitable relationship. Marks are a way of assessing a student's performance, whereas a waiter is given a tip for their service.

B. Worker: Bonus - This option is the correct answer to the given question. A worker's bonus is given based on their performance, and it is an incentive for the employee to perform well.

C. Employee: Wages - Wages are a fixed amount paid to an employee for the work they have done. It is not based on performance, unlike a tip or a bonus.

D. Clerk: Bribe - A bribe is an illegal and unethical act of offering or accepting something of value in exchange for something else. It is not a legitimate form of reward, and hence it is not a suitable answer to the given question.

E. None of these - This option can be eliminated as option B (Worker: Bonus) is the correct answer.

To summarize, the relationship between a waiter and a tip is similar to the relationship between a worker and a bonus. A bonus is given based on the worker's performance, and it serves as an incentive for the worker to perform better.

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