Sail E0 Webinar
The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 12. The difference of the digits is 6. Find the number?
A .  93
B .  39
C .  75
D .  48
E .  Either (a) or (b)
Answer: Option E

Let the two-digit number be 10a + b
a + b = 12 --- (1)
If a>b, a - b = 6
If b>a, b - a = 6
If a - b = 6, adding it to equation (1), we get
2a = 18 => a =9
so b = 12 - a = 3
Number would be 93.
if b - a = 6, adding it to the equation (1), we get
2b = 18 => b = 9
a = 12 - b = 3.
Number would be 39.
There fore, Number would be 39 or 93.

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