Sail E0 Webinar
The resistance R experienced by a partially submerged body depends upon the velocity V, length of the body l, viscosity of the fluid µ, density of the fluid p and gravitational acceleration g. Establish a relation between involving non-dimensional groups
A .  R = p V l² function [p V l/ µ, V/ (lg)^1/2].
B .  R = p l² function [p V l/ µ, V/ (lg)^1/2].
C .  R = V² l² function [p V l/ µ, V/ (lg)^1/2].
D .  R = p V² l function [p V l/ µ, V/ (lg)^1/2].
Answer: Option D
Answer: (d).R = p V² l function [p V l/ µ, V/ (lg)^1/2].

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