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The median class for the given data is
Height (in cm) Less than 140 Less  than 145 Less than 150Less than 155Less than 160Less than 165No. of girls41129404651
A .  145 - 150
B .  150 - 155
C .  155 - 160
D .  160 - 165
Answer: Option A
The given table can be written as:
Height(in cm)Lessthan140Lessthan 145Less than 150Lessthan155Lessthan 160Less than 165No. of girls41129404651
Height(in cm)Less than 140140145145150150155155160160165Cumulative Frequency41129404651
n = 51
= 25.5
Since there are a total of 51 observations, the median class is the one whose cumulative frequency is closest to and greater than 25.5. The cumulative frequency for the class '145 - 150' is 29 which is greater than 25.5. The median class is '140 - 145'. Thus, the class interval '145 - 150' is the required answer.

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