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The meaning of word Bantai during medieval period was ?

A .  Religion Tax
B .  System of calculating revenue
C .  Wealth Tax
D .  Property Tax
E .  None of these
Answer: Option B

The sentence in the question is incomplete and does not provide sufficient information to determine its correctness. However, the meaning of the word "Bantai" during the medieval period can be explained as follows:

During the medieval period in India, the term "Bantai" referred to a system of revenue calculation. It was a method used to estimate the amount of revenue that could be generated from a particular piece of land or property. The Bantai system was used in many parts of India and was particularly prevalent in the Deccan Plateau region.

The Bantai system was based on the assessment of land and its productive capacity. The revenue officials, known as "Bantaks," would assess the quality and potential of the land and calculate the revenue that could be generated from it. This revenue was then collected by the state and used for various purposes.

Some key points to note about the Bantai system are:

  • It was a method of revenue calculation used during the medieval period in India.
  • It was based on the assessment of land and its productive capacity.
  • Revenue officials known as "Bantaks" were responsible for assessing and calculating revenue.
  • The revenue collected through the Bantai system was used for various purposes by the state.

To summarize, Option B is the correct answer as the meaning of the word "Bantai" during the medieval period was a system of calculating revenue based on the assessment of land and its productive capacity.

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"Bantai" :- System of calculating revenue

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