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The area of a certain number of triangles is equal to the sum of the exponents of the prime factors of the number 1628, and each prime factor represents a triangle. Find the sum of areas of the triangles and find the number of the triangles. [4 MARKS]
Prime factorization: 1 Marks
Number of Triangles: 1 Mark
Sum of the area: 1 Mark
Steps: 1 Mark
Given that,
The area of a certain number of triangles is equal to the exponents of the prime factors of the number 1628 and each prime factor represents a triangle.
Prime factors of 1628 are:
Since there are 5 prime factors,
The number of given triangles are = 5
The area of the triangles is the sum of powers of the prime factors.
The sum of areas of the triangle = 2 + 1 + 1 + 1

= 5 square units
The number of triangles is 5 and the sum of areas of the triangle is 5 square units.

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