Sail E0 Webinar
Sharks have a higher ratio of cartilage mass to body mass than any other organism. They also have a greater resistance to cancer than any other organism. Shark cartilage contains a substance that inhibits tumor growth by stopping the development of a new blood network. In the past 20 years, none of the responses among terminal cancer patients to various therapeutic measures has been more positive than the response among those who consumed shark cartilage.
If the claims made above are true, then each of the following could be true EXCEPT:
A .  No organism resists cancer better than sharks do, but some resist cancer as well as sharks.
B .  The organism most susceptible to cancer has a higher percentage of cartilage than some organisms that are less susceptible to cancer.
C .  The substance in shark cartilage that inhibits tumor growth is found in most organisms.
D .  Some organisms have immune systems more efficient than a shark's immune system.
Answer: Option A
The opening line of the argument states that
"They also have a greater resistance to cancer than any other organism.”
Sharks have greater resistance to cancer than any other organism. So we cannot have any organism having equal or greater resistance to cancer than sharks
SO definitely Option (a) is false. So (a) is the answer.
The other options could be true but (a) is definitely false.
This passage has only information about sharks, shark cartilage and the substance in shark cartilage which inhibits tumour growth.
There is no evidence to show that higher ratio of cartilage mass is responsible for inhibition of cancer.
So (b) could be correct.
(c ) is also possible.
The argument states that
"In the past 20 years, none of the responses among terminal cancer patients to various therapeutic measures has been more positive than the response among those who consumed shark cartilage.”
Shark cartilage has given the most positive response among all measures. That does not mean that other measures have not given any positive response.
So (d) is also possible
(a)is also possible as we have no information available in the passage to negate it.
Option (a) s the only option which the passage negates. SO (a) is the answer.

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