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Pick out the most meaningful word from the given options to fill up the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

Reason is the highest faculty .................... on man by his creator.

A .  entrusted
B .  endowed
C .  bestowed
D .  conferred
E .  None of these
Answer: Option C
The statement "Reason is the highest faculty bestowed on man by his creator" suggests that the ability to reason is a gift from a divine creator that separates humans from other animals. To understand the statement better, let's define the key terms and concepts involved.
Reason: Reason is the ability to think logically, make deductions, and form judgments based on facts and evidence. It is the cognitive process of thinking, understanding, and acquiring knowledge and insights.
Highest faculty: A faculty is a natural power or ability that a person possesses. The highest faculty, therefore, refers to the most important and essential ability or power that an individual has.
Bestowed: To bestow means to give something as a gift or a blessing, often with great ceremony or formality.
Creator: The creator refers to the divine entity that is believed to have made the universe and everything in it. It is usually used to refer to God or a higher power.
From the above definitions, we can understand that the statement suggests that the ability to reason is a special gift from a divine creator that separates humans from other animals. Some key points to support this statement are:
  • Reasoning is what sets humans apart from other animals. While animals can use instinct and experience to make decisions, humans have the ability to reason and think critically.
  • The ability to reason is often seen as a sign of intelligence, and humans are considered to be the most intelligent species on the planet.
  • Reasoning is essential for many aspects of human life, including problem-solving, decision-making, and communication.
In conclusion, the statement "Reason is the highest faculty bestowed on man by his creator" suggests that the ability to reason is a special gift from a divine creator that separates humans from other animals. This ability is essential for many aspects of human life and is often seen as a sign of intelligence.If you think the solution is wrong then please provide your own solution below in the comments section .

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