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In a group of 100 girls, each has to opt for one or more of the three hobby classes: Music, Cooking and Stitching. The number of students who opted for Stitching is more than the number of those who opted for Music which is more than the number of those who opted for Cooking which is more than the number of those who opted for exactly two of the three hobbies, which in turn is more than those who opted for all three hobbies. It is known that at least one student opted for all the three hobbies.
Determine the minimum number of girls who attend Stitching Classes.
A .  27
B .  36
C .  38
D .  35
Answer: Option D
We know that number of girls attending stitching classes is maximum. Now to assign the minimum value to this, we need to minimize the number of girls attending exactly two and exactly three classes, and then distribute the rest of the numbers as equally as possible.
In A Group Of 100 Girls, Each Has To Opt For One Or More Of ...
So, number girls attending stitching class = 32 + 2 + 1 = 35. Hence option (d)

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