Sail E0 Webinar

In which of the following cases do we need to calculate area ?

A .   To find how many tiles are needed to cover the floor of a room.
B .   To find the amount of water in the lake.
C .   To find the cost of fencing a ground.
D .   To find the amount of paint in a container.
Answer: Option A

Area is the total space occupied by any 2D shape.
To know the number of tiles required to cover a floor, we need to find the total space of the floor or the area of the floor first and then will have to divide this area by the area of one tile.
To find the amount of water in the lake we need to find the capacity or volume occupied by the lake.
To find the cost of fencing a ground we need to calculate the perimeter of the ground.
To find the amount of paint in a container we need to find the capacity of the container which is its volume. So we need to calculate its volume. 

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