Sail E0 Webinar
In the following set of sentences, some sentences are grammatically incorrect or inappropriate.Type in the options corresponding to incorrect sentences in the box following the question. For example, if the incorrect sentences are A and B, then type the sequence AB in the box ( in capital letters, without any space between the characters and in alphabetical order ).
A. The Confederation of Italian Industry (CII) has forecasted Italy's growth rate to be 12.5% in 2007-2008.
B. In an unfortunate incident, Ramesh drowned while swimming in a river.
C. An Australian Naval vessel, "Aussie” sank of the coast in the Arabian sea while on a routine mission.
D. Parliamentary elections, to elect representatives to the RajyaSabha, are due early next year.
The correct sequence is___
In statement B, "in a river” is to be replaced by "in the river” since the statement refers to a specific incident which took place in a particular river.
In statement C, "of” is to be replaced by "off”.
Hence, the correct sequence BC.

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