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If ‘BOAT’ is written as ‘YLZG’ in a code language how is ‘EGG’ to be written in the same language ?

A .  VSS
B .  URR
C .  VTT
D .  UTT
Answer: Option C
In order to answer the given question, it is important to understand the type of code language being used. The language used here is a Substitution cipher, also known as Caesar cipher.

Substitution cipher is a type of encryption technique in which each letter of the plaintext is replaced by another letter or number. Each letter is replaced by another letter that is a fixed number of positions down the alphabet.

In this question, the substitution cipher used is known as Right Shift cipher, wherein each letter is shifted to the right by a fixed number of places.

Therefore, in order to find the answer, we need to replace each letter of the word ‘EGG’ with the letter that is a fixed number of places down the alphabet.

Since ‘BOAT’ is written as ‘YLZG’ in the same code language, it implies that each letter of the word ‘BOAT’ is shifted four places down the alphabet.

Thus, the letters of the word ‘EGG’ must also be shifted four places down the alphabet.

Therefore, the answer is Option C: VTT

To summarize, the following steps were used to arrive at the answer:
• Understand the type of code language used
• Replace each letter of the word ‘EGG’ with the letter that is a fixed number of places down the alphabet
• Since ‘BOAT’ is written as ‘YLZG’ in the same code language, shift each letter of the word ‘EGG’ four places down the alphabet
• The answer is Option C: VTT

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