Sail E0 Webinar
Identify the given pathway and label A, B, C, and D.
Identify The Given Pathway And Label A, B, C, And D.
A .  Reflex arc, A - Receptor, B - Sensory neuron, C - Motor neuron, D - Relay neuron
B .  Central Nervous System, A - Electrical impulse, B - Sensory neuron, C - Motor neuron, D - Nerve ending
C .  Peripheral Nervous System, A - Electrical impulse, B - Sensory neuron, C - Motor neuron, D - Nerve ending
D .  Neuromuscular junction, A - Cell body, B - Sensory neuron, C - Motor neuron, D - Axon
Answer: Option A
The figure shown above represents the pathway of the impulse taken during a reflex action. The pathway is called reflex arc. The components of a reflex arc are:
A: Receptor: The receptor acts as a sensory organ and detects the external stimulus.
B: Sensory neuron: It takes the information detected by the receptor to the spinal cord. The spinal cord processes this information and gives a signal.
C: Motor neuron: It takes the signal from spinal cord to the effector organ.
D: Relay neuron: It connects the sensory neuron to the motor neuron.
The effector organ, in this case a muscle, does the action of pulling the hand away from hot pan.

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