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How many positive integers x10000 are there such that the difference 2xx2 is not divisible by 7?
A .  6662
B .  7142
C .  3687
D .  7562
E .  123
Answer: Option B
2xx2 is divisible by 7 if and only if 2x and x2 both leave the same remainder when divided by 7.
Remainder of 2x repeats after every 3 and remainder of x2 repeats after 7. The remainders of both 2x and x2 will repeat after a period of length 3×7 = 21
In this set of 21 values, we see that there are 6 values of x for which the remainders are same.
As per the periodicity, within every consecutive 21 values, 6 will repeat.
10,000 = 21×476 + 4
The 476 groups contribute 476×6 = 2856 values and the remaining 4 will give 2 values.
So, total 2858 integers 10000 are divisible. Thus, 10000- 2858 = 7142 integers are not divisible.

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