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How many pairs of letters are there in the word EXPLOSION which have as many letters between them as in the English alphabet?
A .  One
B .  Two
C .  Three
D .  Four
E .  None of these
Answer: Option C

To solve this problem, let's first identify the given word: EXPLOSION.

Now, we need to find pairs of letters in this word such that the number of letters between them in the word is the same as the number of letters between them in the English alphabet.

Let's go through the word letter by letter:

  1. E and X: There are four letters (F, G, H, I) between E and X in the English alphabet and there are also four letters (P, L, O, S) between them in the word.
  2. L and O: There are two letters (M, N) between L and O in the English alphabet and there are also two letters (P, S) between them in the word.
  3. P and S: There are three letters (Q, R, S) between P and S in the English alphabet and there are also three letters (L, O, I) between them in the word.
  4. S and I: There are eleven letters (T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D) between S and I in the English alphabet and there are also eleven letters (P, L, O, S, I, O, N, S, I, T, I) between them in the word.

So, there are three pairs of letters in the word "EXPLOSION" that have as many letters between them as in the English alphabet.

Hence, the correct answer is (C) Three.

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