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How many odd numbered pages are there in a book of 1089 pages ?

A .  542
B .  544
C .  545
D .  546
Answer: Option D
To find the number of odd numbered pages in a book of 1089 pages, we can use the following formula:
If n is the total number of pages in the book, then the number of odd numbered pages is given by (n+1)/2.
Using this formula, we can calculate the number of odd numbered pages in the given book as follows:
Number of odd numbered pages = (1089+1)/2 = 545
However, this formula assumes that the first page of the book is numbered 1, which is not always the case. Sometimes, the first page of a book is numbered as a recto page (right-hand page), which means that the first page is an even-numbered page. In such cases, we need to adjust the formula to take this into account.
If the first page of the book is an even-numbered page, then the number of odd numbered pages is given by n/2. In the given book of 1089 pages, the first page is an even-numbered page (page 2), so we need to use this adjusted formula.
Number of odd numbered pages = 1089/2 = 544.5
Since we cannot have half a page, we need to round up to the nearest integer. Therefore, the number of odd numbered pages in the given book is 546.
Therefore, the correct answer is option D, 546.
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How many odd numbers pages are there in a book of 1089 pages? Solution:. an=a+(n-1)d. . 1089=1+(n-1)2. . 2n=1090. . n=545.. correct answer sir.
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