Sail E0 Webinar
Given in a clock, the hour hand is fixed at 12 and the minute hand is made to rotate. The reading of the angle moved by minute hand is taken as twice its actual reading. If the minute hand is at 6 according to the wrong reading, what is the position of minute hand according to the actual reading? Also, find the actual angle rotated by the minute hand. [4 MARKS]
Steps: 2 Marks
Actual Reading: 1 Mark
Angle Rotated: 1 Mark
The minute hand whenpoints at 6 cover an angle of 180 degrees.

As per question reading of the minute hand moved is twice the actual reading.
So, it will be pointing at 3.
Now for every five minutes, the minute hand would rotate through 30.
So when the minute hand passes from 12 to 3, total minutes passed =15.
Therefore the actual angle rotated by the minute hand = 3×30 = 90

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