Sail E0 Webinar
Eons ago the shrinking seas cast millions of unwilling aquatic creatures onto the newly created beaches. Deprived of their familiar environment, they died, gasping and clawing for each additional instant of eternity. Only a fortunate few, better suited to amphibian existence, survived the shock of change. Today, say sociologists, we are going through a period as traumatic as the evolution of man’s predecessors form sea creatures to land creatures.________________
A .  Those who can adapt will, those who can’t will either go on surviving somehow at a lower level of development or will perish-washed up on the shores.
B .  To assert that man must adapt seems superfluous – he has already shown himself to be among the most adaptable of life forms
C .  When we hurl a man into space, we surround him with an exquisitely designed micro environment that maintains all the factors within liveable limits
D .  It is strange that when we hurl a man into the future, we take few pains to protect him from the shock of change
E .  In short, taking risks in childhood is necessary for children’s intellectual development.
Answer: Option A
option (a)The paragraph stresses on the need to adapt by drawing an analogy with the evolution of life. Hence, option (a) that states that ‘only those who adapt themselves, will survive’ is the right conclusion. Option (b) goes against the idea in the paragraph. Option (c) and (d) talk about ‘space’ which is not touched upon in the paragraph question

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