Sail E0 Webinar
According to the passage, the editors of Nightingale’s letters credit her with contributing to which of the following? 
A .  Improving of the survival rate for soldiers in British Army hospitals during the Crimean War
B .  The development of a nurses’ training curriculum that was far in advance of its day
C .  The increase in the number of women doctors practicing in British Army hospitals
D .  The creation of an organization for monitoring the peacetime living conditions of British soldiers
Answer: Option D
This question asks you to identify a contribution that the editors of Nightingale’s letters attribute to her. The best answer is D. In the second paragraph, several of Nightingale’s post-war accomplishments that are highlighted by the editors of her letters are mentioned. In the passage, her contribution to the creation of an organization for monitoring the peacetime living conditions of British soldiers is mentioned as one of these. Choice A is not correct. Inthe passage, the editors of Nightingale’s letters cite the relatively high death rate of British soldiers after the Crimean War, but they do not mention their survival rate during the war. Choice B is incorrect, because the passage does not provide any information about the curriculum of the nurses’ training hospital that Nightingale founded. Choice C is also not the correct answer. The passage does not mention women doctors, only women nurses.

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