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ABCD is related to BEGI in the same way as BCDE is related to ... ?

Answer: Option B
ABCD is related to BEGI in the same way as BCDE is related to CFHJ.

The relationship between the two sets of letters can be understood using the concept of pattern recognition. Pattern recognition is a technique used in machine learning that involves identifying patterns in data sets. It is used to classify data, discover new relationships, and make predictions.

The pattern between ABCD and BEGI can be seen by observing the relationship between the letters:

A is related to B
B is related to E
C is related to G
D is related to I

This same pattern can also be seen between the second set of letters, BCDE and CFHJ.

B is related to C
C is related to F
D is related to H
E is related to J

Therefore, the correct answer is Option B - CFHJ.

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