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  1. A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs 672 in 2 years and to Rs 744 in 4 years. Find the sum.

A .  Rs 400
B .  Rs 500
C .  Rs 600
D .  Rs 700
Answer: Option C
Let the principal sum be P, the rate of interest be r, and the time period be t.
We are given:
P + Pr2/100 = 672 ...(1)P + Pr4/100 = 744 ...(2)
From (1), we get:
P + 2Pr/100 = 672P(1 + 2r/100) = 672P = 672/(1 + 2r/100) ...(3)
From (2), we get:
P + 4Pr/100 = 744P(1 + 4r/100) = 744P = 744/(1 + 4r/100) ...(4)
Equating (3) and (4), we get:
672/(1 + 2r/100) = 744/(1 + 4r/100)
Simplifying this, we get:
4(1 + 2r/100) = 3(1 + 4r/100)4 + 8r/100 = 3 + 12r/100r = 5%
Substituting r = 5% in (3), we get:
P = 672/(1 + 2*5/100) = Rs 600
Therefore, the sum is Rs 600. Option (C) is the correct answer.
Simple interest is a type of interest where the interest is calculated only on the principal amount. The formula for simple interest is given by:
Simple Interest = (P * r * t)/100
Where,P = Principal amountr = Rate of interest per annumt = Time period in years
Using the given data, we form two equations (equations 1 and 2) based on the formula for simple interest. We can then use these equations to solve for the principal amount (P) and the rate of interest (r).
By equating the expressions for P obtained from equations (3) and (4), we can solve for the value of r. Once we obtain the value of r, we can substitute it back into equation (3) to obtain the value of P, which is the principal amount.
In this case, we obtain the value of r as 5%, and the value of P as Rs 600.
Therefore, the sum is Rs 600.If you think the solution is wrong then please provide your own solution below in the comments section .

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SI for 2 year = 744 - 672 = 72
principles =672 - 72 = 600

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