Sail E0 Webinar
  1. A man buys 13 shirts at Rs 50 each, 15 pairs of shoes at Rs 60 each and 12 pants at Rs 65 each. The average value of each article is

A .  55.50
B .  58.25
C .  59.50
D .  62.50
Answer: Option B
The average value of each article can be calculated as follows:
Total cost of all articles = (number of shirts * cost per shirt) + (number of pairs of shoes * cost per pair of shoes) + (number of pants * cost per pant)= (13 * 50) + (15 * 60) + (12 * 65)= 650 + 900 + 780= 2330
Total number of articles = number of shirts + number of pairs of shoes + number of pants= 13 + 15 + 12= 40
Average value of each article = Total cost of all articles / Total number of articles= 2330 / 40= 58.25
Therefore, the correct option is B, i.e., 58.25.
Some relevant definitions and formulas used in the solution are:
  • Average or mean: It is the sum of a set of numbers divided by the total number of numbers in the set.
  • Total cost: It is the sum of the individual costs of all items.
  • Total number: It is the sum of the individual numbers of all items.
Mathematically, the formulas used in the solution are:
  • Total cost = (number of items * cost per item)
  • Average value = Total cost / Total number

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13*50+15*60+12*65/ 40 = 58.25 (whole divided by 40 )

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