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  1. 40% of a man’s daily output is equal to 60% of a second man’s daily output. If the first man turns out 1440 toys everyday, the second man’s output in terms of number of toys is

A .  900
B .  930
C .  960
D .  none of these
Answer: Option C
Let's denote the first man's daily output as x and the second man's daily output as y.According to the question, we have:
  • 40% of x = 60% of y
  • x = 1440
Using the second equation, we can solve for x as:x = 1440
Substituting x in the first equation, we get:0.4 * 1440 = 0.6 * y
Simplifying, we get:576 = 0.6 * y
Dividing both sides by 0.6, we get:y = 960
Therefore, the second man's output in terms of the number of toys is 960.
  • Percentage = (Part/Whole) * 100
Key Points:
  • To solve the problem, we need to use the formula for percentage.
  • We can solve for one of the variables by using the given information, and then use that value to solve for the other variable.
  • In this case, we can solve for x using the given value and then use that value to solve for y.

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40*a=60*b-> 40*1440/60=B-> B=960 answer
40/100 * 1440 = 60/100 y
100/60 * 40/100 * 1440=960
40% of 1440=576 Since 40% of 1st= 60%of 2nd 60% of x=576 X=960
2/5 =3/5
given 5 parts for 1st person as 1440
5 parts ....... 1440
1 part .........(1440÷5)
= 288
and for 2 parts ( 288×2= 576)

now for 2nd person
3parts ......... 576
5 parts ........( 576×5/3)
= 960 (answer)
40% of 1st Man = 60% 2nd Man
Given 100% of First Man = 1440.
So 40% of first man will be = (1440*40)/100 = 576
Since 40% of 1st Man = 60% 2nd Man ==> We get equation 576 = 60% of second Man
Solving --> (576*100)/60 = 960
40% of 1440=576
Since 40% of 1st= 60%of 2nd
60% of x=576
40% 1st man = 60% 2nd man

2nd man turns 1440
so 1440/60 = 24 .
so here 1% is 24 then 40% is 960
Ans is 960

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