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30% of the crowd at a mall is > 25 years and 80% of the crowd at the mall is <50 years. 20% of the crowd visits bantaloons. If 20% of the crowd above the age of 50 visit bantaloons, then what percentage of bantaloon visitors are < 50 years?  
A .  40%
B .  70%
C .  90%
D .  80%
Answer: Option D
20% of the crowd is above 50 years. 20% of this crowd visits bantaloons. Therefore 20% of 20% is 4% of the total crowd above 50 years visit bantaloons and therefore 16% of the crowd below the age of 50 years visit bantaloons.
20% of entire crowd visits bantloons
Therefore the % of crowd which visits bantaloons and below age of 50 = 1620×100=80
The given information can be carefully observed.
The crowd is divided into 2 groups: lesser than 50 and greater than 50. So the entire set can be made by adding both the groups.
Now the group that is greater than 50 forms 20% of the population that visit bantaloons, hence 80% of the crowd should be below the age of 50 and this is what has been asked.

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