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General Knowledge > General Science


Total Questions : 58 | Page 4 of 6 pages
Question 31. Number of bones in human body is
  1.    206
  2.    225
  3.    209
  4.    210
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Answer: Option A. -> 206

Question 32. Which of the following is also called Jelly Fish?
  1.    Hydra
  2.    Aurelia
  3.    Physelia
  4.    Matrideam
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Answer: Option B. -> Aurelia

Question 33. Which of the following disease is caused by Vitamin B3?
  1.    Pellagra
  2.    Night blindness
  3.    Rickets
  4.    Berry berry
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Answer: Option A. -> Pellagra

Question 34. Pollen grains in plants are produced in
  1.    Roots
  2.    Leaves
  3.    Flower
  4.    Stem
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Answer: Option C. -> Flower
Question 35. Which kingdom contains unicellular eukaryotic cells that may be autotropic or heterotrophic?
  1.    protist
  2.    plant
  3.    animal
  4.    fungi
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Answer: Option A. -> protist
Question 36. Which is the correct order of the taxonomy levels (from most broad to most specific)?
  1.    species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain
  2.    domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
  3.    kingdom, domain, class, phylum, family, order, species, genus
  4.    species, phylum, kingdom, domain, order, class, family, genus
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Answer: Option B. -> domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
Question 37. Who is considered as "Father of Genetics"?
  1.    Robert Hook
  2.    Johann Gregor Mendel
  3.    Robert Brown
  4.    Aristotle
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Answer: Option B. -> Johann Gregor Mendel
Question 38. Which domain do ALL animals belong to
  1.    Archaea
  2.    Bacteria
  3.    Eukarya
  4.    none of the above
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Answer: Option C. -> Eukarya
Question 39. Tick mark the vertebrates from the following
  1.    Shark
  2.    Snake
  3.    Crocodile
  4.    All of above
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Answer: Option D. -> All of above
Question 40. Which kingdom will we be studying in this class?
  1.    Fungi
  2.    Protista
  3.    Plantae
  4.    Animalia
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Answer: Option D. -> Animalia

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