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9th Grade > Physics


Total Questions : 131 | Page 2 of 14 pages
Question 11.

Statement 1: Force acting on a body increases its kinetic energy from 200 J to 400 J and this force does a positive work on the body.

Statement 2: A force does a positive work on an object when the displacement is in the direction of force itself.

  1.     Both the statements are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.
  2.     Both the statements are true and statement 2 is not the correct explanation of statement 1.
  3.     Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false.
  4.     Statement 1 is false but statement 2 is true.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Both the statements are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.

Any force is said to have done a positive work on an object if that force or any component of it displaces the object in the direction in which it acts. It can be seen that the kinetic energy of the body increases due to the application of force, therefore the velocity of the body increases which implies that the displacement is positive.

Question 12.

A boy was playing with a spongy ball, compressing and releasing it. What will be the work done by the boy on the ball and the ball on the boy respectively at the time of compressing?

  1.     Positive, Negative
  2.     Negative, Positive
  3.     Positive, Positive
  4.     Negative, Negative
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Positive, Negative

At the time of compressing, the work done by the boy on the ball is positive as it causes the ball to squeeze which is in direction of force applied.
But the ball resists to change its shape and always tries to regain its original shape by opposing the force applied, therefore, the work done by the ball on the boy is negative.

Question 13.

Two boys were playing with a ball on a level ground. One of the boys throws the ball on the third floor of the building which is at a height of 5 m and the other boy manages to throw on the fourth floor which is at a height of 7 m from the level ground. Find the ratio of the work done by both the boys?

  1.     1 : 1
  2.     2 : 3
  3.     5 : 7
  4.     3 : 2
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 5 : 7

The ratio of work done by both the boys is the respective change in gravitational potential energies of the ball. Taking the ground level as the reference, the change in gravitational potential energy is m×g×h where m- mass, g- acceleration due to gravity and h- height from the earth surface. The  change for one ball would be m×g×5 and for the other it would be m×g×7 after starting from a zero gravitational potential energy from the ground.
The ratio of the work done would be equal to

m×g×5m×g×7=5 : 7

Question 14.

A child is moving on a skateboard at the speed of 2 ms1. After a force acts on him, his speed becomes 3 ms1. Calculate the work done by the force, if the weight of the child is 20 kg.

  1.     20 J
  2.     50 J
  3.     100 J
  4.     320 J
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 50 J

Let initial velocity of the child be v1 and final velocity be v2
v1=2 ms1
v2=3 ms1
Since the child is in motion, he will have a kinetic energy of mv22, which will be increased when an external force acts on him.
Work done by the external force on the child =mv222mv212


=10×5=50 J.

Question 15.

A block of mass 5 kg is sliding on a smooth floor with a velocity of 20 ms1. The amount of work required to stop it is:

  1.     negative
  2.     equal to the potential energy of the block
  3.     equal to the kinetic energy of the block
  4.     positive
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> negative
A and C

The work done to stop the block would be negative as the force applied would be opposite to the direction of motion so as to stop the moving block. Since the body possesses only kinetic energy (due to its motion) and no potential energy (as there is no mention of its position, so we assume it to be at ground level), the work required to stop the block will be equal to its kinetic energy. 

Question 16.

A block of certain mass is sliding on a smooth floor with a certain velocity. The work required to stop it is 

  1.     negative
  2.     equal to the potential energy of the block
  3.     equal to the kinetic energy of the block
  4.     positive
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> negative
A and C

In order to stop a moving block, we have to apply force in the opposite direction. Since the force is applied in the opposite direction, this will be negative work.  Since the body possesses only kinetic energy (due to its motion) and no potential energy (as the height to which it is raised from ground level is not changing), the work required to stop the block will be equal to its kinetic energy. 

Question 17.

How fast should a man weighing 600N needs to run, so that his kinetic energy is 750J? Take g=10ms2

  1.     3ms1
  2.     4ms1
  3.     5ms1
  4.     6ms1
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 5ms1

Given, the weight of a man, W=600N, g=10ms2, kinetic energy, KE=750J
Let the mass of the man be m and the velocity be v.
We know, W=mg
          So, 600=m×10
On solving we get, m=60 kg
As we know, KE=12mv2
So, 750=12×60×v2
      or, v=5ms1

Question 18.

A ball, when kept on a spring attains a certain height after it is compressed and released. For which of the following height attained by the ball, maximum of his energy is required to compress the spring?

  1.     3 m
  2.     5 m
  3.     7 m
  4.     9 m
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> 9 m

Maximum energy depends on the work done in compressing the spring which is directly proportional to the height attained by the ball after the spring is released. The gravitational potential energy is expressed as "m x g x h” and it would be the maximum for the height of 9 m. So, he has to do maximum work to compress the spring when the ball rises to a height of 9 m.

Question 19.

The mechanical energy in a system remains constant.

  1.     True
  2.     False
  3.     7 m
  4.     9 m
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> True

Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy in a system.
The law of conservation of mechanical energy states that the mechanical energy in a system remains constant as long as the forces applied are conservative(doesn't depend on the path).

Question 20.

A box of mass 2 kg is lifted diagonally from point A to point B as shown in the given figure. Given that the acceleration due to gravity is 10 ms2, what is the gravitational potential energy gained by the box?
A Box Of Mass 2 Kg Is Lifted Diagonally From Point A To Poin...

  1.     20 J
  2.     60 J
  3.     80 J
  4.     100 J
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 60 J
Given, mass of the box,m=2 kg, vertical height, h=3 m and acceleration due to gravity, g=10 ms2 .
We know that, gravitational potential energy = mgh=2×10×3 = 60 Joule

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