Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 463 | Page 32 of 47 pages
Question 311. How many different types of neuraminidase proteins are there in viruses?
  1.    5
  2.    9
  3.    9
  4.    119
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Answer: Option C. -> 9
Answer: (c).9
Question 312. Which of following describes viroids?
  1.    circular RNA
  2.    linear RNA
  3.    circular DNA
  4.    linear DNA
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Answer: Option A. -> circular RNA
Answer: (a).circular RNA
Question 313. Gradient of which of following proteins determines anterior-posterior axis in drosophila?
  1.    Bicoid
  2.    morphogens
  3.    g protein
  4.    axis protein
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Answer: Option A. -> Bicoid
Answer: (a).Bicoid
Question 314. Which of following terms describes a worldwide spread of infection?
  1.    outbreak
  2.    endemic
  3.    pandemic
  4.    epidemic
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Answer: Option C. -> pandemic
Answer: (c).pandemic
Question 315. Which of following in animals is infected by Adenoviruses?
  1.    respiratory tract
  2.    circulatory system
  3.    immune system
  4.    spleen
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Answer: Option A. -> respiratory tract
Answer: (a).respiratory tract
Question 316. Which of following needs to be coded by virus itself and usually lacks in host?
  1.    RNA dependent RNA polymerase
  2.    ribosomes
  3.    nucleotides
  4.    transcription proteins
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Answer: Option A. -> RNA dependent RNA polymerase
Answer: (a).RNA dependent RNA polymerase
Question 317. How much time would it take to complete entire lytic cycle of T4 phage?
  1.    30 mins
  2.    1 hour
  3.    9 hours
  4.    1 week
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Answer: Option A. -> 30 mins
Answer: (a).30 mins
Question 318. Kuru disease was first identified in which of following areas?
  1.    Honolulu
  2.    united states
  3.    Pakistan
  4.    new guinea
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Answer: Option D. -> new guinea
Answer: (d).new guinea
Question 319. Which of the following symmetry is exhibited by rod-shaped viruses?
  1.    icosahedral
  2.    helical
  3.    complex
  4.    circular
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Answer: Option B. -> helical
Answer: (b).helical
Question 320. Animal and plant viruses contain both DNA and RNA in the same virion.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be
  4.    Can't say
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Answer: Option B. -> False
Answer: (b).False

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