Sail E0 Webinar



Total Questions : 971 | Page 91 of 98 pages
Question 901. If you smuggle goods into the country, they may be ...... by the customs authority.
  1.    possessed
  2.    punished
  3.    confiscated
  4.    fined
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> confiscated
Question 902. My uncle decided to take ...... and my sister to the market.
  1.    I
  2.    mine
  3.    me
  4.    myself
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Answer: Option C. -> me
Question 903. This book is quite similar ......
  1.    with the "Treasure Island"
  2.    of that film we saw at school
  3.    to the one I read last week
  4.    than a story told by our teacher
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Answer: Option C. -> to the one I read last week
Question 904. ...... works of reference are valuable as Encyclopedia, Brittanica.
  1.    A few
  2.    Few
  3.    The few
  4.    Fewer
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Answer: Option B. -> Few
Question 905. His father-in-law ...... him up in business.
  1.    put
  2.    made
  3.    set
  4.    built
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Answer: Option C. -> set
Question 906. If you persists in telling lies to me I shall sue you ...... slander.
  1.    to
  2.    on
  3.    for
  4.    with
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> for
Question 907. If you work beyond your capacity, you will naturally feel ......
  1.    drowsy
  2.    tired
  3.    confident
  4.    giddy
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Answer: Option B. -> tired
Question 908. It was difficult to remove my feet as it had got stuck ...... in the mud.
  1.    fairly
  2.    greatly
  3.    widely
  4.    firmly
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Answer: Option D. -> firmly
Question 909. This brand of TV is quite inferior ...... that one.
  1.    than
  2.    to
  3.    with
  4.    over
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Answer: Option B. -> to
Question 910. He is a very careful person, he never takes side but remains ......
  1.    impartial
  2.    unbiased
  3.    neutral
  4.    prejudiced
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> impartial

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