Relational algebraDomain and Tuple relational calculus are non-procedural language.Query language is a method through which the database entries can be accessed.
UnionUnion just combines all the values of relations of same attributes.
SelectSelect is used to view the tuples of the relation with or without some constraints.
Cartesian productCartesian product is the multiplication of all the values in the attributes.
JoinJoin finds the common tuple in the relations and combines it.
Column has only one set of values.Keys are constraints and row is one whole set of attributes.Entry is just a piece of data.
Fields are the column of the relation or tables.Records are each row in relation.Keys are the constraints in a relation .
TupleTuple is one entry of the relation with several attributes which are fields.
The values of the attribute should be present in the domain.Domain is a set of values permitted .
Attribute is a specific domain in the relation which has entries of all tuples.