Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 151 | Page 13 of 16 pages
Question 121. The Nernst equation is given by which of the following statements?
  1.    E=E₀ + 2.303 RT/F log CH
  2.    E=E₀ – 2.303 RT/F log CH
  3.    E=E₀ + 2.303 RT×F log CH
  4.    E=E₀ – 2.303 RT×F log CH
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> E=E₀ + 2.303 RT/F log CH
Answer: (a).E=E₀ + 2.303 RT/F log CH
Question 122. The measurement of hydrogen ion concentration can be made by measuring the potential developed in an electrochemical cell.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> True
Answer: (a).True
Question 123. Which of the following is the relation between the concentration of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in a basic solution?
  1.    Value of hydrogen ion concentration is greater
  2.    Value of hydroxyl ion concentration is greater
  3.    They are both always the same
  4.    The concentrations keep changing
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Value of hydroxyl ion concentration is greater
Answer: (b).Value of hydroxyl ion concentration is greater
Question 124. Slope factor is independent of temperature.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> False
Answer: (b).False
Question 125. Which of the following is the relation between the concentration of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in an acidic solution?
  1.    Value of hydrogen ion concentration is greater
  2.    Value of hydroxyl ion concentration is greater
  3.    They are both always the same
  4.    The concentrations keep changing
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Value of hydrogen ion concentration is greater
Answer: (a).Value of hydrogen ion concentration is greater
Question 126. The timing for a microprocessor and for all signals is generated by the CPU clock.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
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Answer: Option A. -> True
Answer: (a).True
Question 127. Which of the following is the only operator entry required in PC-based ion analysers?
  1.    Hardware set-up
  2.    Signal measurement
  3.    Calibration
  4.    Sample calculation
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Answer: Option C. -> Calibration
Answer: (c).Calibration
Question 128. The analog and digital grounds are connected together in ion analysers.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> False
Answer: (b).False
Question 129. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the immobilized enzymes?
  1.    They cannot be re-used
  2.    It produces reproducible results
  3.    Stability exists
  4.    Same catalytic activity is present for number of analysis
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> They cannot be re-used
Answer: (a).They cannot be re-used
Question 130. Which of the following is the physico-chemical component?
  1.    Enzymes
  2.    Anti-bodies
  3.    Transducer
  4.    Cells or tissues
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Answer: Option C. -> Transducer
Answer: (c).Transducer

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