Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 10
Question 1. What is output of the program?class Test{ public void display(int x, double y){ System.out.println(x+y); } public double display(int p, double q){ return (p+q); } public static void main(String args[]){ Test test = new Test(); test.display(4, 5.0); System.out.println(test.display(4, 5.0)); }}
  1.    None of these
  2.    Compilation Error
  3.    9.0 9.0
  4.    9 9
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Answer: Option B. -> Compilation Error
Question 2. What is the result of the following piece of code:public class Person{ public void talk(){ System.out.print("I am a Person"); }}public class Student extends Person{ public void talk(){ System.out.print("I am a Student"); }}public class Test{ public static void main(String args[]){ Person p = new Student();; }}
  1.    I am a Student
  2.    I am a Person I am a Student
  3.    I am a Student I am a Person
  4.    I am a Person
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Answer: Option A. -> I am a Student
Question 3. What will be the output of the following program code?class Rectangle{ public int area(int length, int width){ return length*width; }}class Square extends Rectangle{ public int area(long length, long width){ return (int) Math.pow(length, 2); }}public class Test{ public static void main(String args[]){ Square r = new Square(); System.out.println(r.area(5 , 4)); }}
  1.    Runtime error
  2.    Will compile and run printing out 20
  3.    Will not compile.
  4.    Will compile and run printing out 25
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Answer: Option B. -> Will compile and run printing out 20
Question 4. What will be the output?interface A{public void method1();}class One implements A{public void method1(){System.out.println("Class One method1");}}class Two extends One{public void method1(){System.out.println("Class Two method1");}}public class Test extends Two{public static void main(String[] args){A a = new Two();a.method1();}}
  1.    Compilation Error
  2.    Class One method1
  3.    Class Two method1
  4.    Nothing will be printed
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Answer: Option C. -> Class Two method1
Question 5. What will be printed after executing following program code?class Base{int value = 0; Base(){ addValue(); } void addValue(){ value += 10; } int getValue(){ return value; }}class Derived extends Base{Derived(){addValue();}void addValue(){value += 20;}}public class Test{public static void main(String[] args){Base b = new Derived();System.out.println(b.getValue());}}
  1.    20
  2.    None of these
  3.    40
  4.    10
  5.    30
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Answer: Option C. -> 40
Question 6. What will be the output?class A{ int i = 10; public void printValue(){ System.out.print("Value-A"); }}class B extends A{ int i = 12; public void printValue(){ System.out.print("Value-B"); }}public class Test{ public static void main(String args[]){ A a = new B(); a.printValue(); System.out.print(a.i); }}
  1.    Value-B 11
  2.    Value-B 10
  3.    Value-A 10
  4.    Value-A 11
  5.    None of these
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Answer: Option B. -> Value-B 10
Question 7. Determine output:class A{ public void printValue(){ System.out.println("Value-A"); }}class B extends A{ public void printNameB(){ System.out.println("Name-B"); }}class C extends A{ public void printNameC(){ System.out.println("Name-C"); }}1. public class Test{2. public static void main (String[] args){3. B b = new B();4. C c = new C();5. newPrint(b);6. newPrint(c);7. }8. public static void newPrint(A a){9. a.printValue();10. }11. }
  1.    Name-B Name-C
  2.    None of these
  3.    Value-A Name-B
  4.    Value-A Name-C
  5.    Value-A Value-A
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Answer: Option E. -> Value-A Value-A
Question 8. What will be the output?class A{static void method(){System.out.println("Class A method");}}class B extends A{static void method(){System.out.println("Class B method");}}public class Test{public static void main(String args[]){A a = new B();a.method();}}
  1.    Runtime Error
  2.    Class B method
  3.    Class A method
  4.    Compilation Error
  5.    None of these
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Answer: Option C. -> Class A method
Question 9. What is the output for the below code ?class A{ private void printName(){ System.out.println("Value-A"); }}class B extends A{ public void printName(){ System.out.println("Name-B"); }}public class Test{ public static void main (String[] args){ B b = new B(); b.printName(); }}
  1.    None of these
  2.    Name-B
  3.    Compilation fails - private methods can't be override
  4.    Value-A
  5.    Value-A Name-B
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Answer: Option B. -> Name-B
Question 10. ____________ method cannot be overridden.
  1.    super
  2.    private
  3.    static
  4.    final
  5.    None of these
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Answer: Option D. -> final

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